We have same day appointments availableEmergency Dentistry

I want to know more about Emergency Dentistry, please!

Emergency dentistry is the provision of immediate dental care to address urgent issues, especially relief of pain and infection.

We understand dental emergencies can happen to any of us, just like our car breaking down!

We open after hours. We have same day appointments available. We accept walk-in patients for urgent dental emergencies whenever possible. Please call us first to coordinate appointment timing.

Emergency dentistry includes pain, severe toothache, infection and abscesses, broken or chipped teeth, knocked out teeth, even fractures and swollen faces.

The benefit of emergency dentistry is that seeking care ASAP can provide the fastest relief, prevent further damages, reduce the need for more complex and costly procedures, and achieve better long-term oral health.

What are my emergency dental options?


I have a toothache/broken tooth

Book Urgent Care/ Problem Consult

We try to complete all emergency treatments on the same day when indicated, however you may require additional appointments to complete treatment.


I have had an accident to my teeth

Call us ASAP

We can triage the urgency for you to visit us

You may be eligible for ACC


I need a WINZ grant for urgent dental care

Free quote

You must be eligible

Emergency Dentistry FAQs

Book Appointment / Call 07 987 2825 or Email: reception@beyonddental.co.nz

Opening Hours
  • Monday:8.00am – 5.00pm
  • Tuesday: LATE NIGHT8.00am – 8.00pm
  • Wednesday:8.00am – 5.00pm
  • Thursday: LATE NIGHT8.00am – 8.00pm
  • Friday:8.00am – 5.00pm
  • Saturday:8.00am – 2.00pm
  • Sunday:By appointment only

ACC may cover a portion of your fees if the dental damages are due to an accident or sporting injury. Please call us or visit https://www.acc.co.nz/assets/im-injured/32690e7220/acc7672-dental-injury-guide.pdf to assess your eligibility.

Free initial ACC assessments for dental issues caused by an accident or sports injury can be provided at short notice.

Free Work and Income (WINZ) quotes can be provided to eligible patients as we are a registered provider with the Ministry of Social Development.

Eligible patients can receive a grant up to $1000 for urgent dental treatments each year. Any additional fees for treatment over and above this amount will need to be arranged with the WINZ office or paid privately.

Please call us or visit https://www.workandincome.govt.nz/eligibility/health-and-disability/dental-treatment.html to assess your eligibility.

  • If you have a painful toothache, seek dental care immediately to minimise the potential for the situation to worsen. In the interim, Panadol alternating with Ibuprofen (if suitable) are the most effective pain medications for short term dental pain.
  • If you have a knocked-out tooth, time is of the essence. Do not touch the root. Wash it with salty water if dirty and replace it, if possible, otherwise keep damp and seek dental care immediately.
  • If you have a swollen face and are struggling to swallow, breathe, have whole body symptoms of the flu where antibiotics are not effective, you must visit an emergency doctor immediately.

Yes! We understand life is busy, but your teeth are still important. We are open until 8pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays and until 2pm on Saturdays with no surcharges. Sunday appointments are by special arrangement only.

In case of a dental emergency outside of clinical hours, call us on 07 987 2825 . Leave a detailed message and one of our team members will contact you with advice ASAP.

We provide

Dental Implants


Wisdom Teeth

Dental Sedation

General Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Family Dentistry

Emergency Dentistry